Moost Planner

Structure your life with Moost Planner, the #1 choice in morocco 

Empowering Achievers

Moost Planner is on a mission to inspire people to become the best versions of themselves.

Will you join us ?

Defeating Procrastination Effortlessly

Procrastination is a common issue that prevents people from getting things done, whether its personal of professional.

It’s frustrating to constantly feel overwhelmed and behind schedule, never able to make progress on a regular basis.

with Moost Planner, you can finally take control of your time and get rid of procrastination. Our planner provides a structured system to prioritize tasks, set achievable goals, and stay focused throughout your journey .

Effective Time Management

Moost Planner provides a structured framework for organizing your daily tasks and responsibilities.


By allocating time blocks for specific tasks, you create a clear timetable for each task, visualizing your progress with ease.

Reduced Stress
and Overwhelm

Moost Planner allows you to manage your day based on urgency and importance, providing a balanced roadmap.

Structure Your Life
With Ease

with its sleek and intuitive minimalist design, Moost Planner invites you to engage with your aspirations in a tangible way, exuding sophistication and confidence.

“I’ve Tried Countless planners before, Moost Planner is a truly game-changer.” 

– Marouane.A

Insightful Assessments

Success Begins with Knowing Who We Are


Gratitude Assessment

Self-reflection and Personal Growth

Gratitude Assessment is the first exercise. It helps you recognize the beauty in everyday moments, strengthens our relationships, and fosters the sense of well-being.


Core Values Assessment

Your Navigation System in Life

Start with a set of deep, thought-provoking that invites you to write down your initial thoughts, values and beliefs. It aligns your values with your grand vision.


Habit & Goal Assessment

Blueprint for Your Aspirations

This Section helps you define 3 goals, become more aware of your habits and provide a clear roadmap to achieve a clear roadmap. you will find an example to guide you through the process.


Life Assessment

A Profound Process of Self-reflection

This assessment encompasses multiple dimensions, including relationships & family, physical health, business & carrer, financial stability, mental well-being and lifestyle choices for a more balanced life.

more than just a planner

Let Moost Planner be your mentor

We believe that everyone deserves a personal companion to guide them through life’s challenges. With Moost Planner by your side, you will :

  • Gain clarity and purpose.
  • Get rid of stress and overwhelm .
  • Nurture your well-being & inner peace.
  • Celebrate your NEW balanced lifestyle.
What they say about moost planner

Real Impact, Success Stories


Moost Planner Kit

Built on Proven Concept

Moost is based on true productivity principles, tied together into a simple, tangible, and easy-to-use system.